NEW YORK, August 20, 2014 – Today, after evaluating the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia’s assessment of the alleged ‘objective’ investigation into the ‘avoidable’ shooting death of beloved Miriam Iris Carey, the Carey family responded by filing a $150 Million dollar amended federal tort claim alleging a government cover-up.
Earlier this year, the Carey Family filed a wrongful death claim against the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and the United States Capitol Police seeking $75 million dollars on behalf of The Estate of Miriam Iris Carey, Mother Idella Carey and minor child EF to compensate them for their great loss of a daughter, mother, friend and confidant.
On July 10, 2014, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia claimed in a press release it and the Metropolitan Police Department conducted a comprehensive review of the incident and after such review, ‘declines to prosecute’ any of the police officers. They concluded there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to prove ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ the police officers used ‘excessive force’ or possessed the requisite criminal intent to violate Miriam’s constitutional rights.
“Well, we are obviously very disappointed but, not shocked. We believe the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia along with the Metropolitan Police Department intentionally covered-up the criminal conduct and other wrongdoing in Miriam’s case. Again, we are calling for United States Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to have this case thoroughly reviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation along with the Civil Rights Division, Miriam’s constitutional rights were obviously violated. We are still calling for full disclosure of the investigation for public review,” says Eric Sanders.
The Sanders Firm, P.C. offers those in the New York City area legal services related and connected to civil rights, civil service rights, criminal law and discrimination. We firmly believe in everyone’s individual rights that are described and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. We understand that our freedoms and liberties are sacrosanct and that they have been won in many and various hard-fought battles. We are committed in every way to protecting your civil rights. We are your voice for justice!
Eric Sanders, Esq.
President and Owner, The Sanders Firm, P.C.
Business Phone: 212-652-2782