Alfred D. Woodall III says working at the School Safety Division is no class act.
The claim alleges that Woodall was a witness to the sexual harassment of a female former School Safety Agent at the hands of Deputy Director Gary Armstead. After the former School Safety Agent spurned his sexual advances, Deputy Director Armstead caused her to be transferred from her job assignment. She then reported his conduct to the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and/or the Internal Affairs Bureau.
Woodall claims that the School Safety Division is a sexually charged workplace where supervisors and subordinates openly engage in inappropriate sexual conduct in the workplace, including having sex in the schools, Department facilities and vehicles.
Woodall claims that female employees’ who perform sexual acts are protected, those who do not are given poor work assignments, poorly evaluated, forced to resign or are fired. This claim is related to previous complaints filed former School Safety Agents Charisse N. West and Shameca K. James, who refused to engage in sexual relations with Deputy Director Armstead and they were ultimately terminated.
After Woodall testified on behalf of the former School Safety Agent he has been the subject of unfair discipline, unsafe work assignments (where he is constantly assigned to supervise violent schools alone and other units do not respond to his calls for immediate assistance over the department radio), loss of overtime and unfair performance evaluations, as alleged in the claim.
Sanders says that the executive staff routinely violated federal, state, and local laws enacted to protect an individual’s civil rights by failing to take appropriate action to discipline offending employees or stop further retaliatory and discriminatory behavior from occurring in the workplace.