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Ex-NYPD Cop Reveals Tainted Disciplinary Process

police car



Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has announced that former NYPD police officer, Jermack Romero, filed a charge of discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] against the police department of the City of New York. Romero alleges gender bias, systemic favoritism, and lack of transparency in the disciplinary process


NEW YORK – November 17, 2023 – The charge states that the police department of the City of New York, through its police commissioner and other management, utilizes arbitrary standards, which supports the idea of systemic favoritism, bias, and significant inconsistencies in how disciplinary cases are initiated, prosecuted, and resolved.

Romero claims that the police commissioner and other management misused their statutory authority in connection with a domestic violence incident in September 2021, which involved his then-girlfriend. Through a former police commissioner, former First Deputy Commissioner, and their designees, Romero claims they failed to apply appropriate legal defenses, resulting in his false arrest based on gender and other arbitrary standards. Romero was suspended pending investigation, and even though criminal charges were dismissed in January 2022, he remained on modified duty without cause until his termination.

Furthermore, Romero alleges that the department leadership frequently applies arbitrary standards of conduct, as exemplified in a 2021 incident where a male NYPD officer had sexual contact with a female complainant while actively investigating a carjacking in which she was a passenger. Despite the recommendation of termination, the Police Commissioner imposed a penalty of a loss of 30 vacation days and a one-year dismissal probation.

Lastly, the charge accuses department employees of continually violating Patrol Guide procedures by knowingly associating with persons who are reasonably believed to be engaged in, likely to engage in, or have engaged in criminal activities. Romero claims, it is common knowledge that several past police commissions frequently socialized with a principal of a Bronx restaurant who admitted to having a criminal record, including recurring allegations related to the sale of narcotics, prostitution, and other criminal conduct. Romero claims that this ‘conduct’ supports the idea of systemic favoritism, bias, and significant inconsistencies in how disciplinary cases are initiated, prosecuted, and resolved.

“It is the responsibility of those in a position of authority, who we depend on to serve and protect our communities, to act with integrity and equality. That includes understanding that anyone can be a victim of abuse, regardless of gender,” said Eric Sanders. “Mr. Romero faced discrimination based on his gender, was denied his rights as a citizen, and suffered significant undue professional and personal consequences as a result of the misconduct of the police commissioner and other management.”

According to Sanders, “The blatant disregard for due process and the arbitrary application of the rules based on bias, personal relationships and political affiliations within the department is reprehensible. Considering the ongoing investigation into the Mayor’s Office, this is clearly a symptom of a systemic problem, and its officials must be held accountable.”

The Charge of Discrimination [Charge No.: 520-2024-02095] was filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on October 31, 2023.


Fighting for Justice, and Reform to Promote Equal Opportunity

New York Civil Rights Lawyer Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has a proven track record of fighting injustice and discrimination. With over 19 years of experience, Mr. Sanders has successfully litigated civil rights cases involving law enforcement agencies. The firm holds these institutions accountable and pushes for meaningful reforms to promote equal opportunity. Over the years, Mr. Sanders has secured millions of dollars in compensatory damages for clients alleging discrimination and other violations of civil rights.


Eric Sanders, Esq.
President and Owner, The Sanders Firm, P.C.

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EEOC Charge of Discrimination

Exhibit 1 NYC Administrative Code 8-107.1

Exhibit 2 Independent Panel Report

Exhibit 3 NYPD Disciplinary Penalty Guidelines

Exhibit 4 Samuel Yee v. City of New York

Exhibit 5 Thompson Decision Comparator

Exhibit 6 Trial Transcript

Exhibit 7 Final Order Dismissal



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